Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Man in the Funny Looking Shirt: The Goalkeeper

When I was a kid, I was very athletic and had a decent ability to catch a ball.  So naturally, my soccer coaches often put me in goal... and... I... HATED... it.  In my opinion, goalkeeping is best described long stretches of boredom mixed with briefs stints of terror (hmm, sounds like combat) followed by either complete dejection when a goal is scored or exhalations of relief when a goal is prevented.  Those emotions are played on repeat hundreds of times a match. 

During those long stretches while the ball was at the other side of the field, my boredom led my thoughts to many of the same philosophical questions that are expressed in this brilliant story from NPR's Radiolab program.  Enjoy!

Looking back on it, perhaps I hated it, because I didn't have the concentration required to stay in the game.  I was a kid after all.  Anyway, it is lonely between the sticks. 

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